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We host a range of seminars as well as other discussion forums with the aim of sharing knowledge and experience to help drive the quality of policy development, research and data analysis related to transport and health.
Mental Health & Transport and Social Impact Assessment of Mode Shift
On Wednesday 19 May, 2021, there were two presentations covering research in the area of mental health and the social impact assessment of mode shift.
Social Impacts of Mode Shift Policy Levers [PDF, 1.8 MB]
Presented by Dr Angela Curl (University of Otago, Christchuch) with Dr Alison Watkins, Christina McKerchar, Dr Dan Exeter, Dr Alex Macmillan.
Mental health and transport [PDF, 1.4 MB]
Presented by Dr Kirsty Wild (Senior Research Fellow, Population Health, University of Auckland)
The hub leads are Hannah Quigan, Ministry of Health; Simon Kingham (S.Kingham@transport.govt.nz), Ministry of Transport; and Peter McGlashan (peter.mcglashan@nzta.govt.nz) , Waka Kotahi, NZ Transport Agency.
The hub is open to anyone interested in sharing health related data, information and research. Email knowledgehub@transport.govt.nz to join